“Join Miracle OP for a heartfelt discussion on the tragic loss of Jnr Pope and the accountability surrounding the incident. While it’s tempting to solely blame the producer, Miracle OP delves into the complexities of the situation, highlighting the importance of recognizing the roles of all involved individuals. Drawing inspiration from the proactive measures taken by industry leaders like Queen Blessing Ebigieson and Emeka Rollas Ejezie, MFR, Miracle OP shares his thoughts on collective accountability and the necessity for preventative action to avoid similar tragedies in the future. Through this candid conversation, Miracle OP invites viewers to reflect on the profound impact of such events and join in the collective effort to ensure justice and safety within the industry. Tune in to Saturday Brunch with Miracle OP for an insightful exploration of responsibility and compassion in the face of adversity.”

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